Mystery Patients Services

Collecting patient feedback and satisfaction is an essential source of information and tool to measure effectiveness of service delivery. Yet, traditional methods for measuring performance and satisfaction from medical services are hardly succeeding at delivery a reliable understanding of where things are. 

Globally, traditional surveys yield to maximally a 10% response rate, only 2% of patients complete satisfaction surveys yet, 4% of patients with complaints actually communicated that to facility managers in the latest NHS survey. 90% of patients will have undisclosed complaints that will not reach decision makers.

When healthcare facilities do not have reliable tools to assess patient experiences, patients find a way to voice their concerns, whether through negative social media reviews or word of mouth. That is why Shamseya created the “Mystery Patients Service”, a tool for your facility to gather patients’ insights and measure performance and service quality. 

Mystery Patients assessments do not measure the past manifested by patients loyalty or potential future behaviors (manifested by referrals). It measures the way services are provided right now, through the eyes of real patients, truly experiences your services, comparing and reacting in a transparent way that enables you to study patients experiences and truly address the issues that matter the most to them.