
Eghospitals.com is a website that serves as a community monitor of health service provision in Egypt. Through this portal detailed information on service quality in Egyptian hospitals and other health facilities becomes accessible to the public.

For each published score, three appraisals are carried out in parallel (by independent) community assessors. Also, website viewers are allowed to enter their personal feedback on the website or request that a specific hospital be assessed, both of which reduces the possibility of bias and encourages citizens to participate in promoting social accountability in the Egyptian context.

The criteria according to which the assessments take place were generated according to extensive field research with medical staff and patients and were designed to ensure that important determinants of health service quality are covered., a document including the results is validated and approved/signed by all local networks.

The aim of this project is to promote social accountability, informed decision-making by individuals as well as active citizenship, since all assessments are carried out by trained community members